

  • Thanks for the advice girls!
  • ask for a box immediately. put half of your meal away in your to go box right away and dont allow yourself to eat it.
  • Busy people need to learn to always have healthy snacks on them. I needed to learn this as I am a full time student, I work full time, I have a very large family, and I want to impress my man constantly! (Been together for 3 years now and I don't want to be the girl that doesn't care about impressing her boyfriend anymore…
  • honestly, they make lower carb carbs everywhere. Breads, pasta, rice, buns, cereal, toritillas etc. You dont need to change the amount necessarily just switch to the low carb version. My mom has found a lot of these that taste very good since she is diabetic, if you want to try some of them I can send you links to the…
  • I tried them, they are very expensive and very gross.. They are slimy and chewy. Don't waste your money.