tinytatertot Member


  • I started REALLY slow (honestly, I'm still super slow). I just listen to my body. If it's telling me I'm too uncomfortable then I stop what I'm doing and slowing it down. I also go myself a sweet workout outfit and the Run, Zombie 5k app which really helps me when running in public. Tomorrow I'm running in my first race. I…
  • I, too, am looking for motivation buddies. I love being able to look on my feed and see how awesome everyone is doing and that helps motivate me. Feel free to add me.
  • Crossfit Luminis Olympia (Tumwater), WA http://www.crossfitluminis.com/
  • When I looked at the board yesterday I thought they were taking it easy on us, but I can tell you today that they were not. AMRAP 15 Minutes 10 Box Jumps (scaled to the small box) Run 400 m 10 Thrusters ( 55lbs) My grand total: 2 + 10 Box Jumps For the first time I jumped on the box instead of stepping up every single…
  • Some of ours do, depending on the WOD. Sometimes I wish more had a time limit so I'd have an excuse to stop ;)
  • I've been doing Crossfit for about 6 months. It really works for me because it's different all the time and I can't talk myself out of going since I don't know what I'll be doing when I get there. In the past 2 weeks I've hit some major goals that I'm super proud of. 1. I ran a mile in 17 minutes (I literally used to throw…
  • I would love some accountability buddies! I'm a 30 year old lady who's trying to lose about 50 lbs. Lets be buddies!