

  • same here re:vit D. we got the OTC kind, flouride was never mentioned. DD hates it, so while I am at work, she gets a bottle a day with a drop of vitamins, and for the 3 days/wk I am home with her...she won't take it. Better than nothing, I am assuming! I take all my vitamins as well, but I understand from our ped that D…
  • THANKS! i just found the breastfeeding support group on here, so will look through for some more advice. i just added 500 calories of bfing as an exercise...and i'll go from there.
  • I am having the same problem! can someone walk me through how to set up the goals if you are exclusively breastfeeding? i am EBF, pumping while at work, nursing at home. baby is 4 months, she's nursing 5 times a day usually. So i am assumign i'm at the point of burning 500-600 calories a day. MFP sets my calories (trying…
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