Completely in favor of flu shots. I had the flu 15 years ago and the next year my husband and I got a flu shot. Neither my husband or I have had it since then, so every fall we are sure to get a flu shot.
I am on day six with LCHF, using The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung as a guide. I am new to low carb and am amazed at the complete lack of sugar cravings. I am glad to have found this group following low carb plans.
I read The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung and the research cited makes so much sense to me. I've been on Weight Watchers for years but have always caved to cravings, regaining the 25 lbs. lost, and never reaching goal. I am on day six of Dr. Fung's plan and my sugar cravings are completely gone, which amazes me. I am a…
A super easy and delicious recipe I've used to cook turkey, which doesn't even need broth: Two turkey legs Salt and pepper Season turkey legs with salt and pepper and any favorite seasonings (leave skin on) Place in crock pot and set to low heat Cook until the meat falls off the bone.