

  • I'm 30!! Add me if you'd like!! I need more MFP friends anyways!!! The more friends, The more encouragement!!!
  • I think people are so sensitive about the F-word (FAT) and push PC on everyone because they don't want to admit they are fat and actually do something about it. The term for this mass of cells we on MFP are trying to get rid of are called...wait for it.... FAT CELLS!!! Who knew?!?!? lol. I was fat when I started, still am,…
  • I have Sketcher Shape Ups, have had them since early 2010 & I LOVE them. I really can feel the "burn" when I walk in them as opposed to regular sneakers. Just wearing them daily in the office (Dental Assistant) I could feel a difference, but even more so when I go out to actually walk. LOVE them!!!!!
  • I was 206 a few months ago- I am only 5'4". Granted I hold it very well, butso I didn't look it, but I definitely felt it. Never again. I'm done- its coming off for good