butterfly7772 Member


  • sometimes, not having all the vitamins we need can actually get us to keep the weight on despite our healthy eating habits. Not everyone likes to take supplements and the best way to find out what is right for you is to research the vitamin and other supplements out there in order to make a healthy choice
  • i went to a weight loss place..i was so expensive..I got the same supplements at the health food store for a fraction of the price and getting the same results instead of spending thousands...first and foremost a daily mulitvitamin is very important, omega 3-6-9 and vitamin b6, chromium piconate to help keep glucose…
  • muscle weighs more than fat. At first you may seem to gain but with the cardio and strength training exercises you'll get leaner muscle. sometimes the scale is our worst enemy, measuring and picture taking is a good way to see our progress \