

  • Thank you so much. <3 <3 <3
  • This person didn't research fully. This list is on their "healthy tips" blog section under foods to avoid if you want to get rid of cellulite, not foods you aren't supposed to consume while drinking YourTea. I've been doing the 14 day teatox and I have definitely noticed a difference between days I remember to drink it and…
  • I've upped my daily to 1200. I can tell my body needs more so I'm working on ignoring the part of my brain that is unwell and just feed my machine so it runs better. Thanks for the advice :)
  • Yes! Chia seeds are the best! I've been putting the powder on my granola and I love it. Do you have any specific exercises you recommend for building strength rather than muscle? I feel like I've tried so many different ones and just see myself get bigger each time. But I'm sure there is an entire world of exercise I…
  • This is without a doubt the realest, sweetest, smartest response I've gotten. I'm going to read it every day as a reminder to treat myself better. I have been struggling for a long time with my body and I would really like to get my frame of mind back to where it was a year or two ago, when I wasn't quite so self-critical,…
  • Well you are very fortunate to be eating that many calories and losing weight. Unfortunately everyone's body is different, and when I was eating that much + exercising I was just getting bulkier and more muscley. So I've decreased my calories by only 200 - what is that, one less KIND bar a day, those things are like 190…
  • Hi, actually, YES, I can and do extremely easily. This is why it is difficult for me to lose weight by the scale, because I gain muscle so quickly. I'm not all that concerned with the number on the scale, but I would like to get down a few pounds, and I'm mainly not interested in bulking up because my frame is already on…
  • I doubt it's an issue of muscle tone. Despite my low calorie intake, I build muscle RIDICULOUSLY fast. If I were to do 20 sit ups right now I would wake up with a four-pack. It's a genetic blessing, but one that I have to be very cautious about. I do strength training only once a week because of this, as the muscular look…
  • I never said my only happiness in life hinges on what I see in the mirror. That would be a very sad reality, indeed. But like many perfectly normal people in the world, my reflection does play at least somewhat of a role in my general daily mood and happiness and like those same normal people, I have an idea of how I would…
  • I hear you. I'm not too concerned with healthy fats, I love avocado! I make a chocolate avocado pudding that is vegan and mind blowingly good. Do you know if the Quest bars are gluten free? I will look into them. Thanks for the suggestions. I am not planning to stay at 1000 forever, just long enough to get a little tighter…
  • Honestly, for me it's not that simple. It sounds lovely, though, doesn't it? If only happiness were as simple as enjoying life and enjoying food. But I have had periods of my life where I was enjoying life and enjoying food but I was never happy with the way that my body looked or felt. And really, how could I be? With the…
  • I really appreciate all the replies and support, especially from non-judgmental people with helpful suggestions! Thanks everyone! I know even those of you who are giving me a hard time about my diet mean well and for that I am grateful, but the diet itself is not the issue here considering the fact that I eat 3-5 times a…
  • That's a good point. I drink a lot of herbal tea over the course of a normal day - anywhere from 4-7 cups plus at least 5 glasses of water but I'm SURE it's not enough liquid to keep things moving. I will try hydrating more. It's just so hard because it does temporarily make me feel even more bloated and it hurts!
  • Hi, Thanks for replying. It's a vanity thing, honestly. I lost a lot of weight in an extremely unhealthy way a few months ago (it was completely unintentional weight loss - depression related) and it was a very dark time emotionally for me but the ONE good thing about that dark place was that I was very happy looking in…