

  • I typically like Jillian Michaels work outs the best. I have tried some other work outs that are on my u-verse on demand and I always feel like I get the best work outs from My Jillian dvd's. Although I am concerned that I need to be doing more than just that? Has anyone had success with just her 20 min. workouts and no…
  • When you did this video, how much more time did you spend exercising? I'm concerned I'm not doing enough to get toned. I'm pretty limited on my time. I have an in home daycare and I workout during nap time, so I have a very set schedule. Mornings don't work for me due to the time kids arrive and evenings don't work due to…
  • Thanks! I was just surprised by the number of calories it said I burned under circuit training. I guess that's a good thing:)
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