

  • A newborn calf. Who knew a newborn calf weighed 90lbs?!? And I thought carrying a 7lb baby was heavy enough! lol
  • Big hugs to you!! I know how you feel. :( I had surgery on my left ankle a few weeks ago and went up a few pounds from the swelling and inactivity. Plain and simple: it sucked BUT it's just a little hiccup and part of your body adjusting to the trauma of the surgery and it's after effects. You will get through this and…
  • I finally hit Onederland a few weeks ago! I hadn't even been close to the one's since 1998. I started at 276lbs at the end of November 2013 and nearly wept for joy the day I saw 199lbs. It's hard work, but worth every struggle, set back and step forward. Keep up the good work! You deserve it! :)