

  • I don't "work-out" at lunch but I go for a 45-60 minute fast walk everyday that I'm able. I've been doing this for years. I usually feel great afterwards. I find if I don't get out I have a terrible headache and am nauseated at the end of the day. Take whatever time you can and enjoy.
  • I too am not a big fan of asparagus but I have found if you marinate it in Italian dressing and then either grill it or I often cook it on my grittle it is wonderful. I look forward to the spring when I can grill asparagus and fry moral mushrooms. This is usually my entire dinner meal for a week or two depending on how…
  • Hi right back to you. I was introduced to myfitnesspal by one of my coworkers. He's been using it for a couple of weeks now hand has lost over 11 lbs. I'm not crazy about counting calories but if it helps make me accountable then I'll give it a wurl. :smile:
    in Hi from Pa Comment by ty79 March 2011