

  • don't be scared off by what seems like a high amount of calories, you may be used to hearing about 1200 and 1500 calorie plans, which are way too low for pretty much any adult. The more you can eat without gaining weight the healthier your metabolism will be, slow loss is truly something to enjoy, rather than dieting hard…
  • I would assume if your on your period that it's water weight, check again in a few days and hopefully your weight will be back to normal. I normally hold 2-3 kilos water around that time, not very nice, but it passes.
  • I went gluten free to see if it helped an autoimmune disorder I have, as I am not allergic to it as such, it didn't matter about tiny hidden amounts here and there, I just cut out cakes and cookies really, and switched all baking to gluten free flours, so I barely noticed a difference in my diet. Honestly if your meals are…
  • my first thoughts were that you may be consuming TOO MUCH FIBRE, not enough water and not enough fat. without fat and water the fibre will be "stuck" and clogging you up worse. I suffer from this, but some coconut oil, lots of water and no fibre supplements for a couple of days, just veg and a little fruit instead seem to…
  • This is just my opinion, based on my own diet, but I actually disagree with needing more carbs, yes you might be craving them, but that may be because of drops in insulin after the high carb meals earlier on or because the brain releases serotonin after carbs making you temporarily feel happy. I would add in more protein…
  • Hi! I am 5'1 and 128 lbs, I weight train 4-5 times a week and do sprint sessions 1-2 times a week, I sit at a desk for work so I need to exercise or I'd go mad! I maintain my weight with 1500-1700 cals a day, but lose weight at 1450 or under, you need to go slow or your body will just want to hold on to its weight. Intense…