

  • I have a hundred and twenty to lose, you can add me as a friend too. Ive been a member here for almost a month, so i'm new to this too. Good luck with your journey, and don't give up. You can do this!
  • you must be careful with eating too many apples, but having one a day is healthy. (High in sugar, calories and carbs) If you want to try eating a some before a meal, cut one apple into 1/3 and have a little for each. I've never heard this before, but with all things in moderation. What I was told to do was drink an 8 oz…
  • i understand how you feel! I have been watching calories, carbs, and working out and i haven't lost anything this week. 1100 calories, less than 50 carbs a day, and 30 mins on wii fit every day. I was informed that I may be holding water weight... be sure to drink PLENTY of water so it flushes you out. You will get there…
  • Welcome Matt! I just started two weeks ago myself. I'm LOVING it! I will tell you the more CARBS you cut the faster you will drop it off. My brother started at 277 in october 2010 and weighed in at 170 a week ago!!!! 20 carbs per day and no limit with calories. Lots of chicken and veggies. :) Good luck and add me as a…