

  • I have ran into similar issues but what I truly use MFP for is a guideline. That way I know around what I am eating. This helps me so that even when I am not logging in on MFP I know the right amounts and roughly calories I am eating without even counting. Some other things that I run into is that some people who but in…
  • Okay great thank you so much that makes a little more sense with dry compared to cooked. It is difficult to find fluid ounces compared to dry ounces. I appreciate all the comments they helped :)
  • I confess....that I stare at my leftovers debating if I want to finish the rest or not....thank goodness MFP holds be accountable I confess....that I am a nursing student that fake n bakes I confess.....that I am jealous of my boyfriend who can cook better than me I confess....that every time I make a confession I try to…
  • I usually drink vodka and light cranberry with a splash of lime. I heard the more distilled the vodka the less the calories but don't quote me on that. If you dare you can try vodka water with lime. Actually not that bad. Hope that helps!
  • Hi there! I am a nursing student at Davenport University and we have learned a lot about diabetes. With type two the cells in the body become more resistant to insulin that is secreted by the pancreas. The main thing to know is that if your husband exercises on a regular basis there is a good chance that he will not need…
  • It started off with realizing how big I had gotten. Then it was around lent so I gave up cheese and alcohol which has been super hard. I then found the myfitnesspal app on my phone and loved it. Then my mom was inspired probably because of how much I was talking about it :wink: Then I am pretty sure my mom gave my dad a…