Thank you!! Good idea. I do love both cottage & string cheese. Do you eat the plain greek yogurt or get the flavors? If it's plain, do you add Stevia or anything to it?
Thanks for the avacado tip!! I'll keep an eye out for the ugly ones :) Clearly, with all the weight I have to lose, I never had a problem with eating too few calories lol, but now that I want to lose it, it's hard to eat enough! Annoying!!
I guess I never really thought to put the protein powder in with something other than making a protein shake- you are a genius my friend :) I do have a recipe for a protein pancake so maybe I'll try to mix it up more for breakfast, because oatmeal does it old- it's just easy!! A hardboiled egg or two in my salad at lunch…
Thanks, I'll have to pick up some almonds or cashews next time I'm at the store. I love avacado but can't ever tell if they are ripe :)