

  • According to the FDA's website, bananas, apples, grapes, and watermelon have the highest sugar content. I guess for yours and MFP's community, make your shakes based on your individual goals. This is how I found it: Home > Food > Labeling & Nutrition > Food Labeling Guidance & Regulatory Information
  • I have a smiley....NSV, NSV....hmmm what does that stand for? He-he, I didn't know...Non Scale Victory and what a victory! Congrats and have a great b-day!
  • What courage that took (throwing away the scale)! I have scaled down to once a week! So keep in the loop! You look absolutely wonderful and though we don't know one another, I am proud of you! This is one of the hardest battles to fight in life and you have done it! Take care!
  • Don't let the headaches get you down. I get them too and find that I haven't eaten enough. I would suggest a low sugar protein bar or protein shake ;o)
  • Looking forward to helping one another!
  • I am fortunate that my mother was diagnosed first. There are so many benefits to living GF'ly that I can't imagine getting tested again. It has been an adjustment but I am learning so much. I cook on the side, enter recipe contests, and will starting a few celiac awareness classes here locally. I will also try to blog…
  • Thanks for the welcome! I appreciate it!