

  • I started in November with this free 21 day challenge... by day 14 I knew I wanted to stick to it and subscribed to which has an amazing and easily searchable of yoga videos for home practice. I do yoga at home now 3-4 times a week and attend a local studio for…
  • I started with Yogaglo about a month ago and I really love it. I also go to a local studio once a week. I like Jason Crandell's beginning classes and Felicia Tomasko has some really nice restorative classes. In general I like the search function so I can find the right class (intensity/length/body focus) for my mood each…
  • Congrats to everyone who's sticking with it and making progress, whether you made your first round goal or not!
  • After this week's official weigh in my next goal is to maintain my weight until after December 12th when I take my North American Veterinary Licensing Exam. After that I'm going to join another 4 week dietbet for another 4%!
  • Hi Everyone! I just joined MFP and I need some buddies please! MFP Name: yogakitten2014 DietBet Name: 6 month slim kitty Location: Columbia, Missouri My biggest weakness: Procrastination. If I lose my momentum I have a really hard time getting started again because I keep telling myself 'I'll work out later' or 'I'll eat…
  • Hi Everyone! I'm a 4th year student at the University of Missouri and I'm planning on a career in shelter medicine. I'm new to MFP, but I've been working on my health and weight for a while... Lost 40 lbs between May -October 2012 but then I started clinics and things got crazy. I maintained my weight for a while and then…