

  • Special K snack bars is what I go for. They have a lot of different flavors and they are only 90 calories. It takes the craving away for me.
  • I eat healthy all week from Sunday to Friday and then Saturday is my cheat day. Whenever I get cravings for certain things during the week, I just push through it and tell myself that I can have it on Saturday. Now that it's been over a month since I started this journey, my 'cheats' consist of Starbucks coffee and a few…
  • I can't wait to see my collar bone and my ribs! Congrats!
  • I'm lucky - I have my sister and she keeps me in the gym every night. The way we are going now, I should be down 15-20 pounds in the next month or so. I can't wait to fit into the closet full of clothes I can't wear anymore.