Julievs05 Member


  • Thanks for the info! I have been taking it internally for a while now and was wondering about different ways to use it that others had success with as well. Also if anyone was taking it internally how often were they taking it and how many drops in each capsule were they doing? I usually will do anywhere 5-8 drops in a…
  • I have had this almost my whole life. I can completely relate my friend. I have had a long road to recovery from emotional eating and still find myself on that road from time to time. I found in my particular situation that venting it out (be it a therapist or an unbiased person who is educated in this sort of thing) was…
  • I have been on bed-rest (due to surgery) for over one week now and still have five days to go until I can do any real type of activity. I got up to today and moved around the house and picked things up and felt exhausted (I lost 25% of my blood with surgery) and so I put it in as exercise because for some people that was…
  • I am 28 years old and have 40 pounds to lose. Lets do this together!
  • I am also new and would love to be your buddy! I am needing to lose 40 pounds. Motivation is what we all need right? Lets do this!