Anyone know a pirates least favorite vegetable? Leeks!
As little as possible But really, manufacturing engineer.
Draft Day Big Trouble in Little China Transformers: Dark of the Moon Catching Fire
New Hampshire "Live Free Or Die"
Jimmy Buffett. Mansfield, Ma. July 19th 2014
I like to mix some crushed pineapple in with the cream cheese and I cook them on the grill. I'm making these tomorrow at a concert tailgate.
Mr. Deeds: The elevator scene. Deeds: So how's the elevator business treating you Ruben? Ruben: Oh, it has it's ups and downs...
Costco has a lifetime return policy on everything, including membership. Except TVs, camera, and computers.
A few of mine... - Walk on hot coals - Polar Plunge - View a live Olympic event - See the Northern Lights