Dodorap Member


  • I started my 5:2 diet on 22nd April with a fast and then another fast 24th yesterday and I jumped on the scale this morning and my weight has dropped from 76.7kg to 72.1kg which is 4.6kg down about 10.2lbs. I'm so excited because it was my first time to try it after buying the book on the eve of Good Friday. I'm so…
  • I started my 5:2 diet on 22nd April with a fast and then another fast 24th yesterday and I jumped on the scale this morning and my weight has dropped from 76.7kg to 72.1kg which is 4.6kg down about 10.2lbs. I'm so excited because it was my first time to try it after buying the book on the eve of Good Friday. I'm so…
  • I find it difficult on weekends,. I'm usually good during the week but come weekend, I cant resist food my schedule is always all over the place.
  • I pop a sugar-free gum in my mouth then drink up, I find it easy this way and I don't feel nauseous afterwards too.