

  • Wow! I bet you may find it hard to believe the world does not actually revolve around you. Believe it or not the day that dog got out of the yard and chased you, which BTW is their own natural chase drive instinct, his owner accidentally forgot to latch the gate because he had gotten a emergency call. The best way to get a…
  • Hummm sounds to me like there may be a bit of jealousy going on with you but take heart it was much harder on her than you may think and although I myself have never considered surgery I know people who have and after the procedure I believe they are restricted to a low carb diet so really she was being truthful just not…
  • It is addictive for a reason, Makes the soda makers MONEY! Also all artificial sweeteners are extremely addictive. Just lost a friend in death who drank a six pack of the tall diet P. daily. Diagnosed with Type II Diabetes was a little too late really. He went downhill fast...I have a huge sweet tooth but I use Stevia, it…
  • Love Root Veggies? You will LOVE this dish! BEST BUTTERNUT SQUASH What you need: Peel and scoop out seeds of nice size butternut squash or 2 smaller ones. Enough to fill bottom of casserole dish. cut into bite size cubes 1/2 tsp. celtic sea salt 1 Tbsp Canola Oil 1/4 tsp ground black pepper 1/4 sugar free maple syrup 1/4 C…