

  • It's a bunch of bodyweight exercises for your core and other body parts.
  • You could eat at maintenance all week, don't eat your exercise calories back and then on the weekend split up the calories you burned off so you can eat a little more. It really boils down to your caloric intake at the end of the week. Here, I will get really confusing for you.. lol. You burn 345 calories M-F which equals…
  • I would look into a different routine. I recommend stronglifts or starting strength. Its only 3 days a week, so you wouldn't have to eat as much as you would if you were lifting 5 times a week (if thats hard for you already) but it's also a good strength, building muscle or losing fat routine. Also, try to limit the…
  • Just dropped to 2000 (cutting on 500 deficit) 200g Protein 200g Carbs 44g Fat I workout M,T,T,F (Upper/Lower split) and don't eat my calories back (sometimes I do). However, on Friday after my workout I have a cheat meal that I don't really track just to help my metabolism and re-feed but I don't go crazy on it, if that…