casiobarnes Member


  • Wow! Congratulations! and cute pup! :smile:
  • Thanks for this! Just signed up :) EDIT: actually, let me pay this forward! Here's a new code for anyone else interested: SASHAH26P
  • I eat all of those things (periodically), but I guess just not enough? I suppose it would be easy to add a glass of milk at some point in the day... Times like these I wish I had a little pocket dietitian, haha.
  • I posted about this in another thread, but I also never meet my carb/protein goals (always under), even though I'm eating what I think is a balanced/reasonable amount. Very frustrating. Someone suggested avocados, which I'm going to start putting on sandwiches. Hopefully that will help.
  • Avocados are a great suggestion! Thank you! I don't know why I forgot that they exist, haha. I might have to start actively including "snack" times, even when I'm not hungry. Set an alarm on my phone or something.
  • Oh my. *salivating*
  • I really hope this doesn't count as hijacking the thread (and if it does, my apologies! and ignore me) but how are you fellow short ladies doing on your calories/macros? I swear, I'm eating when I'm hungry/not intentionally restricting, but I'm under the 1200 calories almost every day, and I've never once met my carb and…
  • Not really a cookie, but I make butterscotch haystacks ( and 'Church Windows' ( I also make Chai Spiced sugar cookies, that go great with a pot of black tea :)…
  • This is exactly me. My friends didn't understand why I wanted to lose weight, and weren't especially interested/supportive, because I didn't LOOK that bad. But I tried explaining to them how frustrating it was to have a mental sense of how much space I took up, versus what was happening in reality. For instance, I'd be…
  • I make my own hummus with kidney beans instead of chickpeas. It's quite good! For everyone who makes their hummus at home on the reg, I suggest trying it with kidney beans sometime!
  • Had a similar sort of experience with a big bag of rice. Got the bag out of the cupboard, stuck the measuring cup in, turned to the stove to check the water and when I turned back, the counter was overflowing with weevils :sick: A much more upsetting experience occurred when I was 7. I had a very hip New Kids on the Block…
  • Great thread! I'm on week 5 of C25K and I run 4 times a week. I'd LIKE to run every day, but I know that'll put me on the fast track to injury. On my 'off" days I do a couple reps of triceps extensions, lunges, squats, etc. Basic sort of home workout stuff. I'm not really giving it my all with these though, as they just…
  • 5'2" and flirting with 140lbs here...I used to be very active (running between 30-50K/week) but a hip injury put me out of commission for a while...So I'm also maybe not the motivation you were looking for, haha, but I hope to soon be! It can be very frustrating when the scale only moves a pound after SO MUCH hard work,…
  • I also used to take milk and sugar in my coffee, but have found that just milk is "sweet" enough now. For every 8oz cup, I add a quarter cup of 2% milk. It's something you have to work gradually towards, and your tongue just get's used to it!
  • A lot of your cravings can probably be attributed to adjusting to eating a new, healthier diet. Or even just breaking old habits. Myself, I was a notorious "grazer" - just going to the fridge for a bite of pasta salad, a slice of deli meat, a cracker, etc. Tracking what I eat here on MFP really helped me to see just how my…
  • SW: 140 lbs CW: 137 lbs GW: 125 lbs Weigh in Dates: 12/1 140 lbs 12/8 137 lbs 12/15 12/22 12/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: 3 lbs Just for fun: What is your favorite December holiday tradition that does NOT involve food? Putting a leash/harness and Christmas sweater on my cat and…