ganaranabanana Member


  • Hey all! I'm 5'5 and 24 years old. My starting weight was 226, my current weight is 191 and my goal is to weigh 135 by by birthday on June 27th! I lost 50 pounds before, but then going back to work at a homestyle cooking place packed on some pounds, and then it just kept going up. I don't have a specific exercise regimen,…
  • Oh my gosh, THANK YOU for the Journey gif!
  • I didn't even realize I capitalized journey lol, but what you are saying does make sense. This is something that I am going to have to stick with for the rest of my life. And that's scary when I think about it. I was to call this something though. I feel it needs a name. Maybe it can be and Epic Saga..
  • The forums are definitely a new area for me. I've always been too nervous to talk about my fitness goals and whatnot online. But after working my butt off to lose 50 pounds and then gaining 20 back. I would say I'm ready to try something different