

  • I would believe that, except there are people who would do what I did, and come out with just a few pounds gained. There are people who are prone, genetically, to pile weight on, and I am one of them. My three siblings eat basically whatever they want and have never been fat, so...I do think there's a difference there.…
  • What I mean is that I don't need someone telling me what I already know (it's my fault this happened). I'm looking for SUPPORT.
  • Thank you so much, everyone. I'm looking forward to starting my journey again.
  • Thank you. You're right. I should be grateful for the 25 lbs that are still off (and will NOT be coming back on my body). I have to think positive.
  • I really didn't want to reply to the negative guy, but it was a matter of three months. It was not a long period of time. I have a severe weight problem and even a few months of not working out and eating high calorie foods piles weight back on. I find your tone critical and condescending and I don't need that kind of…
  • Thank you, Lorelai. It helps so much knowing that I'm not alone in this horrible situation. It's so frustrating. More than getting this weight off, what really haunts me is the fear that I'll never be able to maintain. I kept my weight off for seven months, then backslid. I'm so mad at myself. : (
  • I definitely agree that I need to seek counseling regarding the fact that I stuff myself when I'm bored. I eat way, way past the point of being satiated. I even feel sick at times. I hate doing this to myself. More than lack of exercise, I'm hurting my body by overeating and eating the wrong foods (carbs, cheese, processed…
  • Thank you so much. That means a lot. I feel ashamed. Now I'm finding it hard to start exercising again. I can't believe how out of shape and lazy I've become. I used to never miss a workout. I don't even know who this person is that I've become, but it's not me at all.
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