

  • Great job! Keep up the great work!
  • Check out this link: http://www.healthy-eating-made-easy.com/fruit-and-vegetable-servings.html Basic guideline I've heard is fist sized portions.
  • *Weigh In* SW: 190 HHFSW: 165 CW: 160.3 Started a new job this week so been really busy, but have managed to work out every day this week thus far. I hope everyone had a great week. Little mini goal for all who wish to take it for this weekend. Manage to NOT eat at least one bad thing you were going to. ex. You go to a…
  • So you know how they say women all sync in their cycles... It's pretty amazing that so many of us from so far away are on the same track... So my week was pretty good actually... It's my TOM as well... but for some reason I seem to loose during these times.. EVEN though I've cheated many times this week.. *tisk tisk* ex. I…
  • I usually have oatmeal with some raspberries and a sliced up apple, but I'm with you on having it too early. I didn't eat breakfast at all before I started trying to get into good habits. I leave for work around 7:30, but I make my breakfast just before I go, then eat it on the way, so that I'm actually eating it around 8.…
  • I thought I would post some snacks my husband and I like to have. When we first started, we tried out a lot of different things, one was something called CheeCha Puffs, I'm not sure if they're available in the states because I'm pretty sure they are made here in Calgary, but they come in a variety of flavors and because…
  • 2nd Week Weigh In SW : 190 CW : 164.5 GW : 130 I did well this week until I had to start making my cake on Thursday. I didn't work out on Thursday, and I made my cake all day today and not sure if I'm going to be up for doing anything tonight. I did 2/3 days in the sit-up challenge, hope to do day 3 tomorrow. Hoping to…
  • Alright... I'm starting to get upset at my stupid Wii and my stupid progress! :sad: My weight loss would get anyone seasick. My husband and I weigh in every morning on the Wii fit and just to give you an example of my last week and a half... 165.3 - 04/04 Missed my first day in forever 165.6 - 04/06 164.9 - 04/07 166.0 -…
  • Hello! (save for later)
  • Well, I would like to thank all you wonderful ladies for such a great job so far this week. So many have finished Heather's mini challenge of 4 workouts in 5 days. I am happy to report that I too have finished this challenge... although I think next week I need to step it up a notch. I don't feel I put in my full potential…
  • Great job Allie, thank you for putting so much time and effort into us!
  • Good morning ladies! My goodness... so many posts, I didn't know joining this group was like joining a book club! :laugh: But your all doing an awesome job! 1st Week Friday Stats SW 190 sz16 CW 165 sz13 GW 130 sz10 As for my mini challenges... I'm not really on par for my 5lbs loss by April 30th... but I'm still going to…
  • Hello all! This sounds like a great idea and am looking forward to some great support and some 'kick in the butt' action. My husband and I have just started to get our butts in gear to get healthy and loose some weight. We started in February and as of now, I have lost aprox. 25lbs. I have been working within the same 5lbs…