I work part time at the moment. In 3 months, I'll be switching to full time though, so it looks like my exercising is going to slow down a bit.
Just realized... I think you're absolutely right, and you said it all. I am obsessed. There isn't a day where I don't think about weight loss and exercising and how much I want to reach my goal. I'm pushing extremely hard every single day. I need to slow down a bit! Thank you for that.
I work part-time and I come home and I do my workouts during the evening, or I take a rest day typically once a week. On days off, I do tons of housework and exercise.
I do so many different exercises: -my elliptical trainer -Hip Hop abs videos -Turbo Jam videos -running outside -walking outside -youtube workout videos Most of the time, I do several of these each day. But on days that I don't have time, I usually just do the elliptical or walking.
Things that make me motivated: -I go onto the web, and look at before and after pics and read weight loss testimonials -look at a picture of myself that I hate -hang up a small dress that I want to slim into
I don't think you look sickly thin. You look perfect to me. I've seen what sickly thin women look like... their jaws are sunken in, their bones are poking out of their skin... but you look fit and healthy! I have no idea what in the world gives them the impression that you look awful. Fantastic work reaching your goal!…
Congrats!!! Truly inspiring