

  • I just took a 30 minute walk pushing a double stroller with a 2 year old and 5 1/2 year old (equaling about 70lbs). I'm sure I burned more calories than if I had just walked it myself. Is there anyway to figure it more acturately?
  • thanks so much!
  • I am having spaghetti for supper tonight. It says on the package that 2oz is one serving. Well, I don't have a scale at my house, so can someone tell me how many cups that translates to? Thanks so much!
  • Do you marinate the fish in anything, or just grill it plain?
  • Thanks! I was aware of the calories, that is why I just did one. It was about 125 calories and my veggies were just about I was still a good lunch in that sense. I think next time I go to the store, I will see what we have in our fresh fish department. I am just getting interested in trying new fish as I have…
  • How do you prepare your fresh fish? How do you figure calories in fresh fish purchased from the deli?
  • I am new to the calorie counting, and to eating healthy. I have a question about frozen fish. I got some gortons battered fish (in the frozen department). I just stuck them in the oven to bake. How nutritious is frozen fish? I know you are supposed to eat fish every week for the Omega stuff, but is that also in frozen…
  • I burned 280 calories today exercising, but on my food log it says I earned 400 with exercise? Why is there a difference?
  • How many tbsp are in 1 packet of salad dressing (ranch). On this site, it measures dressing by packets...why not by tbsp?
  • Is there a place on this site to keep track of your body measurements? Like, stomach size, thigh size? Just wondering!
  • It is good to know that my FAVORITE snack is not all that bad for me! GOOD NEWS!
  • I've been buying the snack bags, but I also do pop it on the stove and add salt and very little butter. I used to have popcorn as my night snack about 4 days a week. I am knocking that down to 2 now that I am dieting. Good to know which number I use!
  • Thank you, those answer to help!
  • I know, this is not a healthy snack, but it is my downfall! Anyway, I am new to calorie counting, and I am confused by the package. It says, 2 tbsp unpoped is 210cal. and 1 cup popped is 40 cal. Why do the measure the calories in an unpoppped bag? Which number to I go by? Obviously I eat it popped, but is it really only 40…
  • I have a few questions. I am a stay-at-home mom, who had twin girls 51/2 years ago. I have never needed to go on a diet, as I have always been thin....until I became a stay-at-home-mom. I seemed to snack a lot more and not on healthy foods! Well, over the last 5 years I have slowly gained about 25-30 unwanted pounds. I…