

  • I exercise as soon as I get home from work in the evening, around 6.00pm. I usually start dinner, do the 30 Day Shred work out, shower and eat by 7.30pm at the latest. I find it much easier to work out in the evening, rather than having to specifically drag myself out of bed before work in the morning. At least getting in…
  • I can confirm for me that the 30 Day Shred is the only thing I've ever really stuck to, and I'm seeing really good (and fast!) results. Do you think your diet could be improved to help things along? x
  • Thank you! I've been super chuffed with the results. It's the first time I've ever started a health kick and stuck to it - and I think it's because I've seen a tangible change happen in front of my eyes. I've found that my level of fitness has increased significantly since I started. What do you plan to do after the shred?…
  • Hi Jane, I'm on Day 17 of the 30 Day Shred (But I have been taking rest days in between workouts, so normally 4-5 shreds per week). I was 11st 3 on 15th November 2013. I am now 10st 9. I have made a huge adjustment in my daily routine in that I used to eat dinner REALLY late at night, and always skipped breakfast. I now…