tpligon Member


  • Read my other posts Trogalicious. You seem like your heart is in the right place. Have a good day, keep up the good work with your weight loss.
  • To mlittle71. Sorry that post was directed at trogalicious for his condescending and discouraging comment to the woman that started this post. People like him believe they are "experts" on weight loss and know it all because they have lost some weight and they rub people's noses in it. He get's ticked because they are not…
  • What type of knee injury did you have? Ask a sports medicine doctor about exercises but here are a few that I do with a torn meniscus in my right knee and arthritis and degenerative changes in both just to name a few of the problems. None of these are going to get any better than they are right now for me. Pain and…
  • Although I am for fasting from food or something specific and believe it to be a healthy tool that creates discipline and confidence, it should be a planned event not a spur of the moment quick fix. If you want permanent results, you need to make permanent changes. Don't live in the past, learn from it and move on. Learn a…
  • Legionnaires' disease is a bacteria that is gotten by breathing in a mist or vapor from a contaminated water source, not from stepping in it. It's also not contagious from person to person. Most healthy people that are exposed to it do not become ill. The flip flops will help prevent the spread of athletes foot fungus as…
  • I agree with everyone that says to cut back or quit drinking. This is a catalyst for binge everything. Sustained happiness/joy comes from making these hard but great decisions not from making the easy ones for quick pleasure or escape. Don't let your guilt /feelings/emotions defeat you and lead you around like a dog on a…
  • The ones that you will do consistently.
  • I think you are being a little hard on yourself but that can be a good thing. By definition you are not clinically overweight. I can appreciate you wanting to be better than you are, that is the drive inside of you that will propel you to do things you never thought possible. We are all capable of so much more than most of…