

  • Greetins fellow cave people! Below are the resources I use most! paleodietlifestyle.com - excellent hard core paleo info as well as scientific explanations for why paleo thepaleomom.com- another excellent source of scientific info, as well as tons of recipes nomnompaleo.com - humor and recipes galore paleohacks.com - an…
  • Im paleo as well! I do eat some dairy (lactose free-like cheddar), some beans, and sweet n low for my morning coffee (havent let this one go yet). But other than that I follow the paleo lifestyle! And losing a ton of weight! I love it, I feel INCREDIBLE! Not only that but when I "cheat" (cookie, or whatever no no it is) I…
  • New here and also Paleo (well, 95%)! I have occasional lactose free dairy, occassional beans, and occassional white rice (and sweet n low in coffee-bad I know, but its only been 3 weeks and not ready to let that one go yet- and have had my cheats here and there)- but other than that clean eating for me! Anyone else living…