Sbaldoza Member


  • I've had multiple admissions for anorexia nervosa so have had to gain significant amounts of weight, so I thought I'd share my 3500 cal meal plan that I had in hospital (eventually it was bumped up to 4000): Breakfast - 700 calories - 3 weetabix or 50g cereal, 200ml ss milk, piece of fruit or cup of juice, two slices of…
  • Just want to add that I hope I didn't sound like a know-it-all because obviously I'm not a doctor or dietitian and I can't advise, and if possible it would definitely be best to consult a doctor/dietitian.
  • I agree with everyone saying that you should take it slow however your weight is also very, very low, and those calories are definitely way too low. I have been, multiple times, sectioned and made to be an inpatient for my eating disorder and so have had to go through 'reverse dieting' (i.e. gaining weight to get to a…
  • Had to add this one!! Also quite like: