I need a crock pot in my life.
Omfg I need that spatula.
I'm interested to try this, since eating more is always a good thing in my book, and I've got my numbers all figured out - BUT, I had to use the regular body fat calculator because the result I got from the military one was obviously ridiculous. 14%. Lol no. (As compared to 29% from the regular one and just by looking at…
I haven't started my P90X yet, but this makes me want to. I must know what these things mean!
I kind of hate oatmeal, but I swear by it. I make my own from scratch, so it's only a few calories per bowl and because I hate the sweetness and texture of instant, and I'm *always* under my calories for the day when I start with oatmeal. It keeps me satisfied all day, so that even when I get hungry again later I don't…
I don't swim to lose weight, but I do swim for exercise. When I first started, I was working out in the gym 5 days a week, lifting weights, running without stopping... so of course I thought I was in great shape. When I pulled something while lifting, I decided to hit the pool because it was lower impact, rather than stop…
I actually have the opposite problem, which is probably how I gained so much weight. I was all "I'm a skinny HPOA" as I was stuffing Doritos into my face and didn't even realize how fat I'd gotten until I ran out of pants that fit. Now that I'm losing weight, those old pants are starting to fit again and I'm still not even…
It's best not to deny yourself, especially since you say you're prone to bingeing later to compensate. Even healthy people eat "bad" food sometimes, they just don't make it a habit or eat too much of it. Maybe try saying yes to a piece of cake every other time instead of always saying no, and see if that helps slow down…
Yes, this. I cut way down on how much and how often I drink, which really wasn't even that much to begin with but currently is almost never. But if I'm invited out, I'll just have a pint or two and not stress about it. If you drink a really good beer, you can nurse it a bit to enjoy the flavour and you won't be throwing…
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Any flavour. I would eat it straight out of the shaker.
Only if you're lucky. ;)
Oh, hello there, pretty cat lady! ;)
I had a rice recipe that was basically rice, red kidney beans, chick peas and lentils all mixed together with seasoning to taste. It's amazing, but I'm trying to cut down on white rice so now I just do the recipe without it and it's like a little vegetable salad. Sometimes I add corn as well. You could also put them on a…
I had a similar problem so I went out and got my gait assessed and bought good shoes, and now when I run there's no pain at all. I also find that the surface you run on can really make a difference - even with my new shoes, running on the treadmill (way too cold to run outside this weekend) I still had pain in my shins and…
I do a lot of leftovers, so I often cook enough to have something for the next day. In a pinch, I bring a couple hardboiled eggs, cucumber and carrot slices or whatever else I have (sometimes chicken if I have any on hand - even a chopped up chicken finger works) and salad mix. The protein from the eggs (and/or chicken)…
I find that the only days I'm not hungry again later are the days I eat oatmeal for breakfast. I hate oatmeal, but I'm getting used to it, and when I start my day with it I am able to stick to my planned foods without getting hungry between meals. Even if I eat a different healthy breakfast with more calories, it just…
That doesn't sound so bad. At least you did your messing up in the morning instead of at night like I always do, when there's no time left in the day to turn it around. Just eat better for the rest of the day or exercise after work instead, if you can. Problem solved! And even if you can't, it's only one day. Try not to…
Garlic and Herb cream cheese - the real stuff, because no diet is worth crappy cream cheese baby carrots eggs tuna (not technically in my fridge, but always on hand) extra-strong cheddar cheese I also obsessively keep kidney beans around because I love them so much. I basically eat them straight from the can.
I feel your pain. I found out yesterday that mayo is 100 calories a tablespoon. I mean.... I knew it was bad, but I never actually LOOKED at it before. I almost died. Dry tuna salad for me from now on, I guess. :( Also, nearly 500 calories in the smallest popcorn at the movies - and that's before butter. I hate life.
I just work out more. The exercise really makes you feel better during that time - and the more you exercise, the more calories you get to eat back!
I remember when I first saw a commercial for this site, years ago. I was like "that CAN'T be a real thing" and went online to see for myself. Then my boyfriend saw the computer history. He was so pissed. :laugh:
Though I am traditionally a hard rock/metalhead.... I admit I listen to pop at the gym. Those peppy, unimaginative rhythms are just easier to run to. On the treadmill the other day, I actually bemoaned the fact that I don't have more Britney on my ipod. *ashamed*
Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston *swoon*), and Donna Noble. She's freaking hilarious, even though a lot of her episodes are very loud (which may or may not be entirely her fault, since she's not always yelling by herself) - especially the first one. Everyone in that episode was just YELLING THE ENTIRE TIME. Gawd.