ShmeaShmea Member


  • I applaude you for doing it more or less on your own! I have a very hard time bringing myself to present moment awareness like that (asking myself questions). It must be a great help having someone close to you for support. I've been trying and trying but I finally threw in the towel and got up the courage to tell my doc I…
  • Thanks for the welcome craftywitch :) I agree with your statement that we should do whatever we can sustain. And I'll take your tomatoes and beets ;) yummm hehe
  • Thanks ladies. I've since finished the rest of my hoard, so tomorrow will be Day 1 since a binge. I intended to post here only when I binge, but I realize that is not very optimistic and probably counterproductive. I like the idea of a 5 day update, and wall blogging. :) Edit: Congrats Sarah, for quitting smoking!! When…
  • Thanks for the welcome :) It's so hard to figure out what to tackle first! I agree, the mind is core. There are not a lot of free options where I live for counselling, or that would definitely be my first step.
  • Hello Alice :) Fellow Canadian here (Vancouver Island). We sound a lot alike. I have anxiety that used to be so severe I couldn't go out much either. There are a few books I read that changed the way I think and have made things a lot more tolerable (though still not ideal, I can at least go to the store or gas station by…
  • I am female, but I am here to listen, encourage, and tell you what works for me, if you like. I'm 25, and like you I found a passion for nutrition while researching my problem. Nobody in my life wants to talk about it; I work in fast food. The job goes against everything I believe in, but social anxiety and a general…
  • I've read on multiple websites and books that one of the most important ways to curb binge eating is to eat very nutrient dense food (whole foods, plant-based, with animal products used as "garnish", if any, and not main part of meal as they have very little micronutrients). Your body will be a lot more likely to send your…