

  • I keep forgetting to check this thread - is there any way I can get notifications when people post? Anyway, I've been IPD'ing for 3.5 months and reached my 2 stone lost milestone today so I'm feeling very pleased with myself! Still got at least another 4 to go but I'll get there eventually as I do love this diet. I'm…
  • Not preachy at all - you know your stuff and I totally respect that! I had no idea that the two diets worked in different ways - I just assumed that if it induced ketosis, you could switch between them. It does make sense though and I was puzzled to see the higher carb content in the Exante stuff. I've decided not to do it…
  • I really want to shift some more lbs over the summer and am considering switching to meal replacements for 2 meals a day and trying it for a month. Do you think this would be okay? Most days I really can't be a**ed to make breakfast or lunch so I thought if I did meal replacements, it would just make life much easier. I…
  • Really hope it all goes smoothly Janell - will be thinking of you xxx
  • I'm exactly the same Immy. I have a shake for breakfast 99% of the time and yesterday I had a second one for my tea because I didn't fancy anything else and was short of time. So, so glad we can have them and it has made all the difference to me staying on plan. The vanilla one is my favourite :)
  • I rely on Lactofree milk for my shakes (tastes nicer than soya and well worth the extra pennies/calories lol!), cream for my coffee/jelly, peanut butter, bags of salad leaves, tuna, minced beef, chicken breasts, nuts, frozen veg like fine beans and cauliflower florets, sugar-free jelly (ready made pots and powder!), curry…
  • It might be worth getting some Ketostix from ebay Cathy so you can check whether you're in ketosis or not - I check once a week or more often if I think I've had something that might take me over my daily carb level. I find it very reassuring to know that my body is in fat burning mode, even if the scales are not showing…
  • Yes, I do measure and those figures are gradually getting smaller - I've now added a few more to really get a better picture of how my body is shrinking! I think what prompted today's meltdown was getting on the scales for a sneaky peak and them saying exactly the same number as on Monday :(
  • Hello lovely ladies! I'm struggling, to be honest :( I need to stop having unrealistic expectations of myself because I'm not losing quickly enough. I love the IPD but it seems to be making me miserable because I don't lose every week because my stupid body chooses at random times to retain water. I know the sensible thing…
  • Hi there. I'm a new member too and have just done my first week on a low carb diet and have a lot of weight to lose. I live near Honiton in East Devon :)