

  • Getting back to OP's original question... I am currently doing keto and have found it the easiest diet ever. I don't even miss bread and pasta anymore; now that I'm eating flavorful fatty foods I realize how tasteless carbs were. I second grintar's advice here--definitely head over to r/keto, it's a fantastic, supportive…
  • Fear not! I too am a former bread-loving carboholic vegetarian, and it's really not so hard to give up bread. I went ketogenic a month ago and haven't looked back. The first few days after you give it up, you'll probably have super intense cravings. Be strong! If you give in, you'll be back at square one. If you can make…
  • Hey JKBJenn, just wanted to let you know it's entirely possible to do a low-carb diet without eating any meat! I don't know much about Atkins specifically, but I'm following a vegetarian ketogenic plan and I find it quite sustainable (see reddit's vegetarian keto page for oodles of info and inspiration). You end up eating…