Daniglam91 Member


  • Well, Im 5'3" and I try to stick to 1200 becuase I am a big eater and once I go over I will start eating junk. But by doing this I do have to meat more through out the day...smaller meals...but every 3 hours until a few hours before bed. I used to have the same problem just just trying to eat 2 big meals. I would get so…
  • Juat be careful with the foods you eat...there are many that think that if they exercise that they can still eat a bit of what they want. The diet goes hand in hand. I know some veggies that still eat french fries, cookies, carbs, and never lose weight. Just think...you cant take back 23hrs of bad habits in 1hr a day...you…
  • Yes!!! I am 5'3" and with eating habits and laziness I have been between 135-143lbs. Everyone swears that I am skinny but someone our height should be around 115-124lbs.