

  • My husband and I use a slow cooker for just the 2 of us. We freeze the leftovers which can also help in your case. Pull something from the freezer in the morning and put in the refrigerator so it's mostly thawed by the time you get home at night, then finish thawing/reheating. So quick and easy!
    in Help! Comment by Colieque1 May 2013
  • I've been an fitness instructor for about 7 months now. I started with step aerobics, then got certified in R.I.P.P.E.D. and teach that now too. A lot of people recommended getting someone to practice with, but I could never find anyone to do this. What I normally do is put my music on my iPod, head to the gym, and do the…
  • Red Robin is horrific. Even the wraps are terrible, and many of the salads are higher in calories than some of the burgers. I haven't been there since I started counting calories because of it. Makes me so sad.....
  • I completely agree with this! Almost every day a small group of us walk during lunch. It actually helps the day go by faster, and gives us a little stress relief. I also go to the gym straight from work. I know if I stop at home it's over. I take classes at the gym, and that makes it more fun/enjoyable than just running on…
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