

  • I say beforewoeking out to get your body lose and warmed up. When I coached cheerleaders I would have them strech for 45 mins and warm up with up n outs, run laps and jumps. If you go straight for lift or work out you might pull, get stiff or sprain something.
  • Before my child and being anemic and having thyroid issues I was very athletic. I was a weight lifter in high school and became all american and I acomplished alot. When I joined the military and my workout consist of streching for a 1\2 hour and Id stay in the free weights. I prefer the free weights bc of my weight…
  • Now theres a great and healthy side to weighing yourself, with this site you can learn how your body works and your intake better. This site breaks down so much and you can use that knowledge to understand your weight.
  • I need a scale so I coulld weigh myself every day, when I get paid I plan to buy one, it will help me from slipping like I did. I personally think that if you are in my situation where I have to gain and maintain then you should weigh yourself every day. But if you have to lose I think its a bad idea. Now weekly is fine bc…
  • right now Im a 3 and I plan to stay a 3 I just need to stay at 130lbs and I slipped this week. I missed days that I didnt right down my food intake and I slipped back down to 118. But know I plan to get back on track, even though my hub is mad at me I plan to avoid the negative and do what im supposed to do. Ill be 130…
  • thanks I appreciate that
  • I know that was long, its just that that was the first time I made an over view of my life