I usually go to Comic Con in New York. This year the tickets sold out super fast so I doubt I'm going>.>...
Yeah why not?
The only exposure I've had to the guardians of the galaxy is from the avengers:earth's mightiest heroes cartoon. They were in that one episode and I thought they were awesome, so I'll probably watch it just based off that:D.
I've been playing it aswell and I can understand the gripes people have with it. I don't think it's as bad as they make it seem but the story isn't that engaging to me. I like the multi class system though and the trait system is cool.
God yes. I watched the amazing spiderman 2 and there was an xmen days of future past after credits scene. That got me even more pumped:D
Just got owned in elder scrolls online D:
A tree.
Today im a nerd.. Because I bought 50 dollars worth of dc comics sketch cards.:) while wearing a ninja turtles shirt.
Man of Steel.
Every shirt I own is a superhero shirt, I own about 500 comic books, and I have Superman posters everywhere in my house.:)
makes me jealous of that manly beard.
pass browski>.>
I wanna be a dolphin. Sure the shark is menacing, but you pretty much know what to expect. A dolphin looks harmless but will destroy you and bathe in the blood of it's enemies..:D oh and by the way I've seen a giant octopus eat a shark.
I only hug my enemies as a sign of disrespect. No one one else..
I wanna be able to do Hulk Hogan impressions. You know, rip my shirt off and tell people Hulkamania runs wild on them.
steam: nexonist :D
walking dead is where its at:)
Yeah why not?:D
22:D me gusta adds.
1. yes 3.not unless you're goal in life is to kill Batman.
22 almost 23 here:D