

  • Welcome:smile: I really find tons of motivation reading what everyone is sharing
  • I too find working out when I first wake helps me through my long night. I also eat a decent size, protein packed meal before heading to work. I like banana chips, kind bars, cliff granola bars, individual almond milks, string cheese. I'm always looking for new snacks or things that are tasty and healthy to eat while on…
  • Hi all. Baby #1 due 7/25. Just a couple more weeks of my 1st trimester, thankfully no sickness, just bloat and laziness. I like to run and my doctor curbed that off the bat. I have resorted to Zumba, Pilates, and boredom. Looking forward to suggestions and inspiration from all you fine fit mommies
  • Congratulations! I'm new to this forum and very newly pregnant. I have always had healthy eating and exercise habits, but have been struggling the last week. I try balance, like an apple with Carmel almond butter mmmm.....