captgalactic Member


  • My kids are still little enough (3 and 1) that they enjoy riding in the jogging stroller. So two days a week, I pick them up from daycare and go for a run with them in the double stroller. I would think that might be too hard with three, but maybe there is some way to incorporate play time with your kids into your…
  • The cool thing is you don't have to do all your exercise in a day in one continuous bout to get the benefits. If say you want to do 30 minutes of exercise, you can break it in 3 10 minute bouts. The other thing is there is great exercise you can do with the kiddos. My kids love being in the stroller while I walk or run. I…
  • Reread her original post...she addressed that in there.
  • I have a 6 month old and am breastfeeding her. I am also a working mom, so I understand trying to balance it all can be challenging. I also have a 2 year old. When he was about 9 months, I really started working at the weight loss, and the pounds melted off (like 10+ lbs per month), but I also had supply issues. It got to…
  • I had MFP calculate the number of calories I need to lose 1lb a week, and then added 400 calories to that. That seems to be working well for me. Definitely take it slow. I didn't after my first kid, and ended up struggling with supply when he was 9mo to 1yr.
  • My daughter seems fine when I workout hard. I haven't really noticed much of a difference on days I workout and days I don't. But I only do a hard workout 2 days a week. If your LO has difficulty with it, what if you ease into it with workouts like yoga? Then maybe you won't have to worry about lactic acid build up, and it…
  • For me it was eating at a deficit. I had to be really careful about that. I was eating 2000 calories a day, and loosing 10lbs a month, but that ended up affecting my ability to produce enough milk. This time around I am eating 2400 calories a day, and I'm still losing about 1lb a week, but my milk production has been…
  • When I completed my 5k training and ran my first 5k I got a new pair of running shoes. When I had lost 20 lbs I got some new running clothes. I decided to reward myself with things that would encourage me to keep at my goals, because I didn't want to waste money on new shoes or new workout clothes and not use them. When I…
  • I'm doing the same thing. I have an unhealthy obsession with the scale. And even though I KNOW that the reason the scale hasn't moved for me this week is due to water I still get frustrated. If you really try to focus on your fitness goals and as yourself questions like "how do I feel?", "how are my energy levels?", "can I…
  • I have a 10 month old and struggled a little with this. What I found works for me is that on the three days a week I pick up my son from daycare we go directly to where I like to run and I put him in a jogging stroller and he goes for a ride while I work on getting up to running a 5k. He really enjoys it, because he loves…
  • I am a new mom too, and I struggled with weight loss and staying motivated. So, I got some help. I see a nutritionist who helped me find my motivation, my beautiful son. She asked me "what behaviors would you like to model for your son?" That got me to really think about what I was eating. My downfall is sugary foods, but…