

  • **Update** 5 months in, still on 3 shakes and 2 bars a day. Once and awhile I'll have veggies. Just a little over 100lbs lost so far. Still need about 45 more to go.
  • Just a check in. 3.5 months (week 14) later (started December 12th). Still on full meal replacements (3 shakes 2 bars a day). But I can have some veggies for when I'm hungry. Still drinking a gallon of water. Still doing at least 30 minutes of elliptical a day. 85 lbs down 60 to go.
  • This... :drinker:
  • It will get easier. One thing I had to do was not go shopping with my girlfriend. It would have been hard for me to go and smell the deli food and see all that yummy food. I am at the point where I can go now and not have it bother me (I'm on my 4th week). This might not be the case for you and you are the one who has to…
  • As far as cooking for the family I time it so it is time for me to have my shake or bar, not as tempted to try some if I am having my food. Sunday is bacon for breakfast for the rest of the family so she cooks it and I go exercise. I noticed the smell of food has changed for me, tho the bacon still smells good but it just…
  • That would really suck if that where true. I for one do not work for nor get anything for posting here other than to keep my motivation going and maybe let others who are on the same journey they are not alone. Though I wouldn't mind a little kick back, since I spend $120 a week on this (food + Dr visit co-pay).
  • Hardest thing I ever done (especially the first week). But most rewarding thing I have ever done. I am on the tail end of week 3 (started 12/12). First week weigh in was -11 lbs. Due to my Doc being out for the holiday I have to go 2 weeks without and "official" weigh in (official is at the doctors office, unofficial is…