

  • I have it as a rare treat and yes, it is much lower than you would imagine. I would definately avoid the Doner kebabs though! :-)
  • Lately I seem to find the first 10 minutes the hardest, once I'm through that it's not so bad. I feel guilty if I don't exercise.
  • Eating back exercise calories is important, but if you are burning 1400 calories a day in exercise, you might want to tone it down. The most I burn from exercise in a day is about 250. What are you doing to burn that much? [/quote] So If I eat 1200, my goal, and then exercise 600 I need to eat those 600? What if I don't…
  • Hi, I'm a Londoner living in Kent. I think the key is consistancy. I exercise almost every day at around the same time. If you can get an exercise bike and park yourself in front of Eastenders or something, makes it less boring lol. Log everything you eat, if you don't log it it still counts! I'm trying to lose a few more…
  • More!!...and less. lol I try to do both. I can't see the point in exercise if you just eat those extra calories. I'm still confused about the extra calories gained through exercise. Providing I eat my 1200 calories any exercise cals are a "burn" surley? If I eat 1200 ans exercise 500 is thata bad thing? :frown:
  • My thoughts exactly. It's easy for those "lazy days" to build up and before you know it you're back to square 1. Keep at're worth it. :-)
  • Good question. I'd like to have the answer too. :-)
  • I had similar issues and used a cream called "Deep freeze", Apply 30 - 60 minutes before running, worked a treat. I still use the treadmill but no longer need the cream. :happy:
  • I'm in Kent, work in London. :-)
  • Could it be that you're not eating enough calories? I had this problem and went from 1200 to 1300 and upped my exercise, at the end of the first week at this rate I lost 2lbs. Not sure if it's just coincidence. I look at pictures of myself before I lose 1 and 1/2 stone....that helps! Keep at it, you know you can do it. :-)