h3lisab3thm Member


  • You can do it! This site helps so much. There is an accountability aspect that I need in order to stay on track!
  • I cheated on soda. That's a work in progress for me. I will not consume chocolate. I LOOOOVE CHOCOLATE. But I will not eat it because it makes me crave other things like chips and dip (strange, I know. It's my gateway food.)
  • I took a before picture yesterday, but will probably redo it tomorrow. The one I took I am wearing a black spaghetti strap shirt and underwear. Bra and Shorts would probably be better. I will be taking it with my phone, then emailing it to myself so I can save it on my computer and delete it off my phone. I lose my phone…
  • Start weight: 268 Goal Weight (By end of challenge): 235 Total Lost: 0 I'm really challenging myself to drink my water and keep the soda away. Soda is my downfall.
  • Hi! I'm a 23 year old mom of three. My newest was born early December, and I am just getting back on the healthy eating and exercise wagon. I have already lost almost 30 pounds, and would like to lose 30 more by my birthday in March. I do zumba and want to start hoopnotica