

  • Hi guys! To see these pics in their full size, right click > properties > copy and paste the image url into your browser. I wanted to post my 12 day results. I'll be back with my day 20 results, and then day 30 for sure. :D Let's do this! I've always been extremely athletic and fit, but then two deaths in the family one…
  • What weights do you use? I do 8 pounds.
  • Hi everyone! So far I've completed day 1 and 2 of the shred. Just about to do day 3 right after I finish this. I CANNOT BELIEVE how I see abs poking through. I'm combining 30 Day Shred with doing random Chalean Extreme ab workouts. I used to be a competitive swimmer and boxer, then I got depressed and gained 50 pounds.…
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