Going strong =)
23 taken but yes student
@jessiemjporter taken......22 and student working in retail?
aiming for 100 km this month!!! :)
no but I reallllllly want to :) Have you ever fantasized about someone of the same sex?
loving the beanie :)
fabulous bold lip stick :)
cute :)
well done :) fantastic will power and determination. congrats!! keep going :)
Name : Anna State: NSW in Australia Goal: 100 days b/p free How: Eating wholesome foods, being happy, and using support networks.
hi there. i guess i suffer from all forms of ed out there. currently bulimia is ruling my life. i need to get better because living like i am right now is ungrateful....(for lack of a better word to describe how i feel) so i would appreciate all the help from anywhere i can find some =)