

  • Just a heads up, the android version of this app hates when I use the music player app for music and it at the same time, and likes to freeze/crash when i do so. That said, I'm on the third workout for it, and honestly love the heck out of it so far. I hated the 5 minute warmup runs in gym class, but for whatever reason,…
    in C25K Comment by saoulbete December 2013
  • vaping is a great idea. e-cigs are easier on your lungs, and if you look around online, there are tons of recipes to make some e-cig juice out of weed too that extracts all the wonderful THC. (also has the benefit of being odorless so you can get away with puffing on an e-cig and getting high while out and about. great for…
  • +1 for the barbell squats. Just make sure you've got good form. (Bar should be resting on the "meaty" part of your shoulder, elbows down, and wrists straight - your hands are more there to hold the bar against your back, they shouldn't be holding any of the weight at all). Start with three sets of 5 with just the bar, next…
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