

  • Proper diet and cold therapy are the best forms of treatment. Knowing your UA levels is crucial to defeating your gout. Avoid beer and seafood for a while. You can go back eventually but to get on top of it avoid them all together. Get blood work done, and treat the pain with cold therapy 5-10 times a day or whenever it…
  • Avoid stretching and any cortisone or pain masking agents!! Plantar Fasciitis is when the fascia under the arch of your foot is inflamed. When you stretch it, the muscle tears and the inflammation sets in further, preventing your bodies tissue from healing. You need to increase blood flow to the area to treat PF. The…
  • Best way to treat has to be Blood Flow Stimulation therapy. Hands down the best treatment available on the market. King Brand makes a great unit that worked wonders for me.
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