xjsjaguar Member


  • It would be unfair to enjoy these little treats without including my friends, so in case you have extra sour cream to use up as well, here are the links to recipes I used today: http://knucklesalad.com/mccalls-old-fashioned-sour-cream-cookies/ http://www.food.com/recipe/apple-sour-cream-cake-57771#activity-feed…
  • Good evening ladies, We had a wonderful long - 2 hour - hike today without even getting wet, thankfully the rain waited until we returned home. Myron was hungry and tired at about halfway point and began considering some baking. We both love to bake and he makes some fantastic pastry for pies. Although I'm not fond of pie…
  • Good morning, ladies, Hope you have a productive week ahead and find time for special, meditative moments too. Hugs, MaryLynn
  • Good morning, Happy Thanksgiving! It is a daily blessing to interact with all of you and I am so grateful that we can share our lives in such meaningful ways. It seemed appropriate to share this prayer with you this morning. May we all be thankful in all circumstances, including those we do not understand. Thanksgiving…
  • Karla, Those photos always bring a smile to my face, as I'm sure they do for you and Glenn. Hoping the dryness is subsiding with some changes to the therapies and that you are able to find ways to deal with it effectively and practically as you continue to enjoy an active and productive daily life. Enjoy your time…
  • Cindy, My heart aches for you and the concerns you've had for Rick's well-being and that of your relationship. I've been through some challenges with my first marriage and it wears you out! Great that you are able to get this into words in this safe place. Like Patti, I'm offering my phone number if you ever need to talk.…
  • Good morning, ladies, Thanks a bunch for the recipe ideas, Patti! It looks like the 3 "chefs" are not in agreement on how much work in the kitchen they are wanting to do, as cleanup is an issue for some of them. I love the ideas of peppers stuffed in various ways and it reminds me of the Poblano Peppers that we stuffed and…
  • Good morning, ladies, What a wonderful morning, with sunshine and a bit of a breeze. With the beginning of a new week, I'm looking forward to what adventures await us. We've been doing some research on a potential new outreach project for our local church and the surrounding community. With a focus on reaching young…
  • Here is the basic recipe for the beet soup. We get about 6 generous servings from this. It has an interesting sweet/savory flavor and is VERY satiating. Although we often include a side salad or raw veggies, we are often too full to add much more. Feel free to adjust quantities. Myron's Beet Soup 5 beet (2" dia), Beets -…
  • Karla, I hope and pray that improvements are on the horizon for your eyes. We need you here!
  • Patti, that is such WONDERFUL news and a huge answer to our prayers for you! You are often in my thoughts and this sounds like such a great fit for your skillset and availability.
  • Does the temptation to indulge - especially at holidays - seem like a rushing waterfall?
  • Good morning, ladies, Hannah Goodwyn of CBN shares some helpful thoughts on our relationship with food: Those of us who are obsessed with food aren't only harming our bodies; we're also limiting our relationship with God. The only way to kick the habit is to treat it like a real addiction. There’s no sin in enjoying your…
  • Good morning ladies, We enjoyed a nice long hike to the waterfalls and river yesterday. Getting outside and busying ourselves with activities and hiking seems to be what works best for us and is consistently what we turn to. We had some colorful veggies in a salad and I cut up plenty of raw veggies for snacking and put…
  • Good morning, ladies, So great to catch up on all your doings over the weekend. So proud of all of you for your dedication to moving forward consistently, learning from any little slip-ups and staying energized. It's beautiful this time of year and although the rain has been more than normal, we find ways to get outside…
  • Good morning, ladies, Just checking in from rainy VI and wishing you all a day full of blessings and adventures. Hugs, MaryLynn
  • Good afternoon ladies, I'm still here and just catching up on the happenings in your lives ... it always gets me smiling! All is well in our lives, just been busy with activities and numerous commitments lately. Keeping up with tracking and striving to get more protein in during the course of the day. Finished some more…
  • Good morning, ladies, Morning rain showers in our part of the world, which often translates to just lying in bed and listening to the rain fall outside. Late rising means I need to get going here, so just checking in with you all. May your day be full of productive activities and balanced with personal quiet. Hugs, MaryLynn
  • Happy Monday, ladies! Just got in from a long hike in the local area; it was so foggy with heavy rain imminent, so I really "booted it" along! Being outside always recharges my batteries and I enjoy the hiking through natural landscapes. Friends are suggesting that we join them in some canoeing and that would be a blast as…
  • Happy Saturday, ladies, Like so many, we too have been keeping busy with fall tasks, including leaf cleanup around here. May your weekend provide opportunities to recharge and reconnect with loved ones! Hugs to all, MaryLynn
  • Good morning, ladies! Great to read and catch up on happenings in all of your lives; it's my favorite way to start the day! So much more to learn in life and you are such articulate, gentle and encouraging teachers. I've learned that we are truly stronger together. I've learned to be more forgiving of myself when I…
  • Here is one link about sleep benefits that you may find interesting too. http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20459221,00.html
  • Good morning, my friends, I hope that this Friday morning finds you well rested and ready to take on the day ahead, with all of its ups and downs. An honest answer to this common dilemma can surprise us ladies. We really DO need to get our "beauty sleep", as we can get so easily caught up in a whirlwind of obligations and…
  • Good morning ladies, Sorry for the absence! Could not get logged in recently, but now have caught up. We have a series of big storms happening, so that could interfere with electricity again soon. Take care! Love you all! MaryLynn
  • Good morning, ladies, Dropping by to say hello and see how you are all coping with what is "on your plate" lately, Now that I think of that phrase, it reminds me to be mindful of what is literally on mine. One tactic that seems to be working in our lives is to use smaller plates. Measuring serving sizes also seems helpful…
  • Good morning, ladies, Hope that the weekend provides you all with some valuable "downtime" to refresh and renew the body, mind and soul. Some weeks just seem to be filled with errands and appointments that can test one's patience to the max, as has been the case for several of you lately. Whirlwind of a week here; Myron's…
  • Good morning, ladies! Just checking in on all of you here. We continue to find things to do around the property to keep active and strong. Nice sunny day ahead, so hope to get outside and enjoy the fall season here. Thanks for all your encouragement. Enjoy your day ahead; rest when needed and stay strong, my friends! Hugs,…
  • Good morning ladies, Just a brief stop to say hello and let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Anxious to hear how things went with your surgery Karla. Condolences for the passing of your Aunt and hope you are able to be there in support of your Dad, in his personal grief. Will check back later. Hugs,…
  • Good morning, ladies! Looks as though it continues to be a busy fall for everyone here. May you each find true joy in your life, wherever you have been placed at the moment. Sometimes with the change of seasons, we are given an opportunity to reflect and just be filled with gratitude. While we see apparent chaos and…
  • Good morning, ladies, Thought I'd better chime in pretty soon, or you will all wonder where I disappeared to! We had a nice hike with our two dogs yesterday, so everyone had a good sleep last night. Today I was searching for recipes to use up the remaining acorn squash puree (soup) from a recent meal. I did finally find a…